Getting Beautiful Skin At Home

Getting Beautiful Skin At Home


You don’t always have to visit a salon to help making your skin beautiful. It is possible to achieve at home with some great natural beauty tips that work at home. Beauty salons will often want to keep certain natural products a secret so they can offer you more services and treatments.

There are quite a few home remedies that will be beneficial to skin care or other areas of the body and because they are natural they are also very healthy. You don’t always have to spend a lot of money on over the counter products when things you can make yourself cost less and give the same result.

The first natural way is to create an environment in which your skin can thrive. This means sleeping well so you are not looking or feeling tired and eating a good diet with vitamins and minerals to help your skin. Protect your skin from the suns UV rays as they will damage your skin and make it age much faster.

There food that will help your skin by keeping it well hydrated and help to protect it from the suns rays. You need foods that are full of nutrients and rich in anitoxidants and Vitamins C and A and with good Omega 3. These things come from fruits and vegatables such as broccoli, oranges, lemons,grapefruit, sweet potatoes,melons, limes, tomatoes and spinach. Any of these food will help to keep you skin smooth and without wrinkles.

The first natural remedy is to mix some lemon juice with two tablespoons of milk and massage this into your face for a couple of minutes then rinse it off. If you remember to do this each day it will help to bleach your face and keep it soft.

A teaspoon of lime juice with half a teaspoon of honey stirred in along with a few drops of milk mixed well and applied to the face for ten to fifteens minutes will have a mild bleaching effect on greasy skin.

Rubbing fresh tomotoes over your face is great for toning it and helping to whiten the skin.

There are many natural methods around and it is good to practice these for a while to see how well they compare to over the counter beauty products, keep your skin moisturised and you may be surprised as to how good they are and you can ask me for more. For more tips about beauty, skin care, nail care or massage, contact me.


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