A Beauty Salon Investigates: Are Anti Aging Products Worth The Money

A Beauty Salon Investigates: Are Anti Aging Products Worth The Money Or Can A Healthy Lifestyle Be Just As Good?




Where Do Your Thoughts Lie? Beauty Salons Understand There Are Two Schools Of Thought Here.

On one side of the fence we have cosmetic companies with their impressive ad campaigns showing how young we can look using their new latest creation. As a beauty salon, its funny how the new latest creation is the cure for all whereas the previous year there was another product that was the hottest thing on the planet. Along with plastic surgeons they tell us we need creams, botox, lifts, tucks, nips and all the other snips to help keep the anti aging process at bay.

Now, lets just jump over to the other side of the fence. Forget the creams and going under the knife, all you need is a natural approach to staying young (with the occasional pamper at a beauty salon). We are told the advantages of a healthy diet, exercise aswell as keeping your mind healthy.

The visitors to almost any beauty salon would never have enough time on our hands to follow every single health regime and perhaps,not enough money to try every cream that have been recommended to us so what is the solution?

Every day new scientific data seems to show up saying one thing is better than another. In this case an animal study has shown that just a reduction of 8% in calorie intake and some moderate exercise can slow down and in some case reduce the aging effect. The conclusion of these studies tell us that cellular oxidation and inflammation cause age related damage to organs and that the inflammation can be reduced by means of a calories controlled diet.

The first step to beating the aging process is understanding it and determining its cause. Science has taught us that aging may happen due to a problem with aging cells and the fact they cannot replicate. This is known as replicative senescence. A cell can only relicate so many times ( usually 60 – 90 ), after that they lose that ability and the bodies immune system begins to weaken causing wrinkles to form and wounds that can take longer to heal.

What Current Remedies Has This Science Gives Us?

Anti aging medication: This can be prescribed by a doctor but is very limited in its effectiveness. You will know this medication as Hormone Replacement Therapy. There many advantages and disadvantage for its use but we don’t really know the real extent of its usefulness.

Anti aging Cosmetics: As science tries to understand the process of aging, cosmetic companies have taken the fight into their hands. There are thousands of anti wrinkle creams, remedies, beauty treatments and serums available today and we see many in the beauty salons.

These creams used by beauty salons and privately that label themselves anti aging  are most probably falsely labelling themselves. Some of the creams that do work may well slow down signs of aging and perhaps even reverse it, however, none of them  can increase a persons longevity. You may well look better on the surface of your skin but underneath your body will have gone the same way as a person who had never touched a cosmetic cream.

You must understsand, this is not a complete criticism of cosmetic creams, merely some clarification. These creams certainly hold their place in the battle against aging and maintaining a great skin as you grow older but, you also need to combine these cosmetic creams with some other process to really begin to work.

Apart From Visiting A Beauty Salon, What Can We Do To Help With This Other Process?

 We have all heard the saying that age is all in the mind and this can be very true. On your next trip to the beauty salon have a look around you and you can see people who seem to have alot of energy and are very active and those of us who are quite the opposite. I am sure you must know an elderly person who seems fitter than another person 20 years younger than them. This is about living your life with a positive outlook on life rather than specific cicumstances taking you down.

The more that you remind yourself of your age, the older you will feel. If you constantly focus on negatives then your health will be negatively impacted. It’s simple common sense: we all know that laughing makes us feel better. Therefore it’s logical that spending much of our time in a dissatisfied or depressive state would have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing.

Really, it all comes back to healthy mind, healthy body. And it works both ways.

For example, it’s a scientific fact that plenty of daylight and sunshine helps to ward of depression. Exercise releases endorphins that make us feel good. Eating well gives us energy and bolsters our immune system.

One important factor of a healthy lifestyle, especially with regard to anti-aging, is the minimisation of stress. There are countless negative side effects of too much stress in our lives, so anything that you can do to alleviate stress is beneficial. Go for quiet walks, surround yourself with positive people, meditate, take a massage at your local beauty salon and make sure that you have some time to yourself occasionally.

We all know a trip to the local beauty salons makes us feel great but don’t neglect your diet. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables does wonders for you. Your body really does run much better on raw, unprocessed foods and juices.
If you are not in the habit of drinking water then its time to start. As we are made up of 70% water then surely we need to be drinking plenty. Remember if you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated and this can give a great deterioration in energy.

Whether it be scientists, cosmetic companies, those of us at the beauty salon, none of really know for sure how the human body ages and until we do there is no real way of knowing how to fight it but we must keep up with the latest beauty information.

However, I think you can appreciate, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, let your beauty salon pamper you, try some anti aging products then you have a great chance of keeping our young looks.



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