Beauty Information
We all need a little bit of extra beauty information and this is here to help you. If you cannot find what you are searching for here then come a long to the salon and ask.
To keep the skin healthy can be quite a task with all the pollution, dust and UV rays but putting in place a good routine will help you maintain your beauty for a long period of time.
To start us off, lets have a look at some tips for natural beauty, starting with skin care.
Keeping your skin clean is an obvious start to maintaining your beauty but don’t scrub your skin, it only needs a dab from a soft warm cloth.
The sun gives off UV rays which are great to enjoy but will make your skin age faster so take steps in protecting your skin against it.
Drinking plenty of water will help you stay well hydrated which is good for your healthy and therefore good for your skin.
Eat a good diet which includes a lot of fruit and vegetables and you will see the benefits reflected in your skin.
Trying to be active and maintaining a good weight will, it will keep your skin firm and get it out into the fresh air.
Being happy and relaxed and getting a good sleep will help your mind, your mood and your overall health.
Lips are very sensitive and need to well taken care of. Again drinking water, eating a healthy diet and protecting them from the elements are a good starting point. To help them along further, start with putting vaseline on them to keep them soft. You can then add you base coat of lipstick, followed by a top coat to add shine and extra protection.
Your hair also needs a similar level of attention and there a few things you can do to help maintain it in a great condition.
Make sure you only use a mild shampoo and only use a small amount, just enough to cover your hair in lather.
If you brush your hair wet it will stretch the hair and break it. If you must brush it wet use a wider comb and be gentle with it.
When you blow dry your hair it takes away the moisture so keep it to a minimum and hold it quite far from the hair so it does not effect the roots.
Taking in extra calcium in the form of a pill or another source helps strengthen your hair.
Trimming your hair every two month will help to avoid spilt ends.
It is easy to ignore the basics of beauty but they are quite essential and a good base will help you to build your beauty regime so that you are getting great results that help with your beauty. For beauty advice, have a chat with someone at a beauty salon Redruth is where ours is based.